Solar FAQS

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How does solar energy work?

Photovoltaic cells in a panel or array of panels receive the energy from the sun to create solar electricity. When light enters the cell, electrons in an interior electrical field break free from atoms, causing a discharge of electricity.

How long does the process take?

The installation of panels on your house is a reasonably quick procedure, and the majority of installations are finished in a few days. However, it will take a few weeks to get your project ready and obtain the required plans, licenses, and paperwork before implementation can start.

How much do solar panels cost?

The cost of a solar installation can vary based on a number of elements, such as the size of the system, the kind of equipment required, and whether the project is for business or residential use. As home requirements and energy consumption differ by customer, the typical cost of solar panel systems varies between jobs. To learn more, call right away. 

If I have solar panels, will I have power during a blackout?

Solar cells by themselves cannot function during a power loss, but they can when coupled with battery storage. Call now to get more details on Tesla battery walls and Span Panels. 

Can I add additional solar panels to my existing system?

Yes! Many people, especially with systems that were small to begin with, decide to "amp up" their current systems with additional panels. If your energy consumption has greatly increased since the system was first installed, that may be another cause to add more panels to an array.

Do  solar panels need to be cleaned?

Solar panels should be cleaned on a frequent basis because dust and detritus can degrade their performance. Fortunately, all you need to maintain the cleanliness of your panels is water and a hose—no expensive washing machinery is needed. 

A tree limb fell and broke one of my solar panels, what do I do?

The majority of the time, a damaged panel will require replacement; our team is glad to assist and can quickly get your system up and running. Remember that we offer you a 25 year warranty on your panels. 

Do you offer financing?

To ensure that our customers get the most out of their solar experience, we provide a range of various financing and payment choices. Get in touch with us immediately to find out more about our financing alternatives.

What is a Power Production Warranty?

You will receive the difference in CASH in the rare event that our systems don't generate the promised number of kWh of energy. This is a 25 year production guarantee. 

What is my Solar Panel Warranty

We provide tried-and-true high-quality solar panels and inverters from the most renowned makers in the sector, but if your system experiences any flaws, equipment failures, or premature deterioration during the covered period of 25 years, we'll repair the problem or replace the item at no additional cost to you.

What is your Roof Penetration Warranty?

People occasionally worry that solar installation could harm their roof. When using a skilled solar contractor like Solaris Link, this is incredibly uncommon, but we stand behind our work and like to give our clients peace of mind with our roof penetration guarantee. This guarantees that we will fix any leakage where your solar system contacts the roof for a period of 25 years at no cost to you.

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